
Annika was born in Kotka, in south-eastern Finland, and emigrated with her family to Sweden when she was young. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in set and costume design from Dramatiska Institutet 1997 and has since designed sets and costumes for over 80 theatre productions, mostly in Sweden but occasionally abroad. These productions range from children’s theatre to dance, new writing and classical works.
Working alongside director Dritëro Kasapi, artistic director at Riksteatern (The Swedish National Touring Theatre), she has designed over 20 productions including Pinoccio and A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Uppsala Stadsteater, Hamlet at Örebro Länsteater and Othello and Dance of Death at Riksteatern, The God of Carnage at Teater I and Enron at Örebro Länsteater, the last two mentioned won the theatre critics prize for best production in the year they were produced. At Stockholm City Theatre they created The Suppliant Women, a co-production with Al-Harah Theatre in Beit Jala, West Bank.
Annika collaborates also with Anna Takanen and designed the widely celebrated Fosterlandet, a co-production involving Svenska Teatern in Helsinki and the Municipal Theatre of Gothenburg. Fosterlandet enjoyed successful runs in Gothenburg, Helsinki, and Stockholm.
Several of Annika productions have been selected to perform at the Swedish Performing Arts Biennale. These include Fair Game (Uppsala Stadsteater), Gymnopedie (Riksteatern) Medea’s Children (Unga Klara). Other productions have toured internationally, for example Dritëro Kasapi’s Riksteatern production Head On which toured to Volksbühne in Berlin and on to Istanbul.
For Amir Nazir Zuabi Annika designed Ravinen at Riksteatern and Sheltered Worlds at the Institute du Monde Arabe, Paris, October 2021, part of the project The Walk with Amal. Annika’s most recent works include the Riksteatern production of seven methods of killing kylie jenner where she worked with Millie Bhatia, associate director at London’s Royal Court Theatre.
During 2021–26, Annika will be attached to Folkteatern i Gävleborg, both as a resident set and costume designer and to direct the theatre’s efforts to become more sustainable. Annika has been a guest lecturer in production design at Södertorn University in Stockholm and at Göteborg University in Gothenburg. Annika completed a master’s degree in Sustainable Performing Arts at Stockholm University of the Arts 2021 where she presented her study, Climate: The Story of our Lives. Annika was chosen to participate in Julie´s Bicycles sustainability program Creative Climate Leadership, Sweden 2021-22 and was awarded the organization’s grant for further work in 2022.
DOWNLOAD Master’s thesis (PDF)
International collaborations – a selection
2022Seven Methods of killing Kylie Jenner Riksteatern. Director Milli Bhatia
2021The walk/ Sheltered Worlds Institute du Monde Arabe, Paris. Artistic director Amir Nizar Zuabi
2018DE SKYDDSSÖKANDE Stockholm Stadsteater;
collaboration with Al-Harah Theater in Beit Jala, Palestina.
2015FOSTERLANDET Göteborg Stadsteater. Tour till
Svenska Teatern, Helsingfors.
2008HEAD ON Riksteatern, Tour to Volksbühne, Berlin and
Theatre Talimhane Istanbul, Turkey.
2002NEXT STOP ATLANTIS Uppsala Stadsteater;
collaboration with The Albanian Theatre, Skopje Makedonia and Volcano Theatre, Wales
Productions selected to The Swedish Performing Arts Biennale
2001ESSEX GIRLS Uppsala Stadsteater
2001GYMNOPEDIE Riksteatern
Productions voted “stage production of the year” by theatre journal “Nummer”
2010ENRON Örebro Länsteater
Exhibitions and creative spaces
2015DRIVKRAFT Tom Tits Experiment. A permanent
exhibition hall measuring 160m2 featuring a colourful, gender neutral ambience designed to engage young
people. The room houses a collection of interactive science and technology experiments.
2014MAKERSPACE Tom Tits Experiment. A creative workshop
measuring 140m2, divided into several sections. The workshop is used by visitors and should inspire
creative thinking and experimentation in science and technology.
- Play titleTheatreDirectorYear
- Seven Methods of killing Kylie JennerRiksteaternMilli Bhatia2022
- LandsbyggdsupproretFolkteatern GävleborgSamantha Ohlanders2022
- In memoriamRiksteatern/Stockholm StadsteaterEmmanuelle Davin, Anna Novovic2022
- Den stora sprickanMalmö StadsteaterRebecca Örtman2021
- RavinenRiksteaternAmir Nizar Zuabi2020
- Hedwig and The Angry InchMalmö
StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2020 - Upprorets PoetGöteborg
Stadsteater/RiksteaternRebecca Örtman2018 - De skyddssökandeStockholm StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2018
- UnderkastelseStockholm StadsteaterLinus Tunström2018
- Öppna era hjärtanStockholm StadsteaterAndreas Kundler2018
- Ned med vapnenStockholm StadsteaterNora Nilsson2018
- OnådStockholm StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2018
- Den Livsfarliga SkogsexpeditionenÖrebro
LänsteaterLotta Stenshäll2018 - Jag är en annan nuStockholm StadsteaterBjörn Runge2018
- Frontens GryningsfärgStockholm
StadsteaterAstrid Menasanch Tobieson2017 - SanningenStockholm StadsteaterHelena Bergström2017
- Jag är min egen fruÖrebro LänsteaterMicke Cocke2017
- Vem är rädd för Virginia WoolfStockholm
StadsteaterTommy Berggren2017 - Verklighetens FolkUppsala StadsteaterMia Törnqvist2017
- BorkmanStockholm StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2017
- Det skulle varit jagVästmanlands teaterBirgitta Egerbladh2016
- The EffectRiksteaternAndreas Kundler2015
- An Enemy of the PeopleMalmö StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2015
- FosterlandetGöteborg StadsteaterAnna Takanen2015
- A Servant of Two MastersUppsala
StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2014 - PinocchioUppsala StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2014
- Varför Finns DjurenÖrebro LänsteaterKarin Wegsjö2013
- HamletÖrebro LänsteaterDritero Kasapi2013
- Två StyckenRiksteaternDritero Kasapi2012
- The Caucasian Chalk CircleSmålands Musik &
TeaterDritero Kasapi2012 - OthelloRiksteaternDritero Kasapi2011
- Louise and the BearsRiksteaternDritero Kasapi2011
- EnronÖrebro LänsteaterDritero Kasapi2010
- A Year of magical ThinkingUppsala
StadsteaterVoula Kereklido2010 - A Midsummer Night’s DreamUppsala
StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2010 - The God of CarnageTeaterIDritero Kasapi2009
- EllenSmåland Musik & TeaterAgneta Ellers Jarleman2009
- Head OnRiksteaternDritero Kasapi2008
- MonstersGöteborg StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2008
- HysterikonSmålans Musik & TeaterDritero Kasapi2007
- A Boy with a SuitcaseGottsunda TeaterDritero Kasapi2006
- Här är duUusi TeatteriTitta Halinen2005
- PenninggaloppenUppsala StadsteaterRebecca Forsberg2004
- Cellsamma historierUppsala StadsteaterRebecca Forsberg2004
- Rut & RagnarRegionteatern KronobergEdward Bromberg2004
- Sauna TvättstugaUusi TeatteriBarbro Smeds2003
- Medea’s ChildrenUnga KlaraAnna Takanen2003
- Den långa, långa resanRiksteaternBirgitta Englin2003
- Sonja, en folkhemsprinsessaStockholm
StadsteaterAgneta Ellers Jarleman2003 - Next stop AtlantisUppsala StadsteaterDritero Kasapi2002
- Susannas FödelsedagUppsala StadsteaterEva Gröndal2002
- Kyss mina skorUppsala StadsteaterSusan Taslimi2002
- Boston MarriageDramatenBirgitta Englin2002
- Dom stod och dogUppsala StadsteaterAnna Takanen2002
- GymnopedieRiksteaternBirgitta Englin2000
- The Lonesome WestPistolteaternEdward Bromberg2000
- Essex GirlsUppsala StadsteaterBirgitta Englin1999
- Fair GameUppsala StadsteaterBirgitta Englin1999
- Marat/SadeAlias TeaternNiklas Westergren1998
- Konsten att begrava en kärringUppsala
stadsteaterEdward Bromberg1998 - Världens BollaRiksteaternBirgitta Englin1998
- Oliver TwistStadsteaternJohan Huldt1998
- UteliggareUppsala StadsteaterNiklas Westergren1997
- FadermordetUppsala StadsteaterNiklas Westergren1997
- Ubiloz VanillaCullberg BalettenStejn Celiz1997